
Monday, December 3, 2012

One Buck Beauty

There's just something about having a bouquet of fresh flowers on your kitchen table. 
Our nearest grocery always has a few baskets right at their check-out lines, overflowing with one buck bouquets. Of course, they're just little dyed daisies...but they are fresh and bright and make me smile to look at them. I bought them on a whim--fancying they would brighten up the onset of winter, now that December has arrived. Yet, surprisingly enough, December dawned beautifully this weekend: azure skies, chilly but gentle weather, and a cool, winter sun. And, if the weather man isn't deceiving us all, this lovely climate is here to stay for a few days. Which is fine by me. Being at home alone, churning out job applications, and missing my fellow is a little less daunting and dreary with sunlight streaming through the windows. 

Our weekend, then, was filled with red and white daisies and that broad sky--but also a fun card night with some friends, a little Christmas shopping, a good bit of Christmas wrapping, and my first attempt at baking tilapia. How was yours?

In parting, here are a few lovely links I enjoyed over the weekend: 
Have a wonderful Monday! 

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