
Wednesday, December 19, 2012


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Eggnog staining a mug.  Twinkle lights woven into the garland that weighs down our mantle. Cookies tumbled on a white plate. The expectant glass of milk, crisp and smooth. And, later, the little smattering of soot on the hearth, shaped something like a boot-print.

Christmas is getting closer and closer. Hard to believe that 2012-- which I thought would never go by-- is actually almost over. Last year, I was desperately wanting the year to blow by so our wedding would arrive. But now the twelve months are nearly past--and all these big, monumental moments with them. Graduation, my nephew's birth, our wedding, the engagement of so many great friends. So many wonderful moments pass in the twinkling of the eye.

No where too look but forward, though. And I am so excited. I feel like the future surely will hold some promising things. Even though there are disappointments and let-downs, when you're surrounded by the bulwark of love and family, you know you will get through and find goodness.

Mark and I will blaze down the interstates again this weekend. We seem to wear out the blacktops... or at least our tires. I have to say though, I'm anxious to see my family. Especially my sister and her little boys, whom I haven't seen since the wedding. I can tell in pictures that two months have done alot to change the shape and form of those cuddly little guys. Thomas's baby pudginess, while still there, is different; I can tell he has grown, gotten longer and stronger as he lifts up his little head and waves his arms, learning how to smile. And Jack is just like a bean sprout: getting taller all the time. His little baby cheeks are thinning out, turning into a scrappy tough boy. I can't believe that so short a time has wrought such change.

I can't wait for so many things. For hugs and kisses from those I love the most. For eggnog (spiked? now that I'm old enough? hmm? haha!), for the annual retelling of The Night Before Christmas, for our traditional Christmas breakfast of sausage-cheese balls, and especially for watching those little boys open their gifts. Thomas will probably wave a bow around, wondering what's going on, but I know Jack will really be in the moment. Eyes wide and mouth open-- amazed and over-the-top excited for all that Christmas loot. I remember it so well from my own little-girl days-- and I can't wait to witness it again.

Only a few more days til the weekend! And less than a week until Christmas!

Happy Wednesday to you all. Stay warm and cozy and hope your day is full of holiday cheer!

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