
Friday, May 31, 2013

Back to Blogging

So, I didn't really mean for my blog to become a sporadically updated and sparsely posted desert within the greater landscape of the Web. But it seems that life occasionally gets in the way of posting. And here's one big life decision causing the blog hiatus: Mark and I are in the process of trying to buy a house. We've found the one we want, we've made the offer, the sellers have accepted the offer (after some hard ball haggling...flexes bicep...oh yes.) ....We've even had the inspection done. Now just begins the grueling and irksome task of lender and closing procedures. So... amidst the annoyance of chasing down every deposit slip and bank statement and cleared check and solemnly swearing that we are up to no good....blogging has fallen by the wayside.

But here's a little post to let you know we are still alive and well! And a photo to prove it, as well.

Happy Friday, folks!
I think I'm going to spend this weekend planting some herbs and picking out paint colors. How about you?

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