
Friday, April 25, 2014

Playing Catch-up

Fall and winter in black-and-white.

1. Solo grew in leaps and bounds. He turned from a wrinkly, big-eyed, bumble-footed baby into a handsome little pup.
2. Mark took me to New York City and endured a day at the Met.
3. We smiled until our cheeks ached over the holidays. Also, lighter jackets were possible in Georgia.
4. It started to snow in Frederick and never stopped. Also, we found a creepily beautiful old house.
5. Solo brightened the glum weather with silly antics.
6. The trees stood naked and bare. There's just something starkly and defiantly beautiful about a winter wood, don't you think?
7. Sky and ground were uniformly grey--which is sometimes beautiful and sometimes as depressing as depressing can get. But, the sun persisted and warmed up Maryland's old cold bones.

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