
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Peek Indoors

Today, I want to share some snapshots of our living room, one of the few "finished" rooms in our changing house. I suppose you could call my style "eclectic," as in it consists of  patterns, colors, artwork, and items I love. Typically, the things I pull together aren't exactly in style or even very contemporary. Instead, my decor approach consists of a mismatch of curated "I love this" items.

While I rove Pinterest as much as anyone, I tend to gallivant in my own direction when it comes to putting decor together.  For example, our chocolate brown walls. A professional designer would probably croak--especially since our home is so small. Isn't that a rule of thumb? Never go dark and crazy on the walls in a tiny space?

 But you know what? Who cares! I love our chocolate brown walls. I realize that I'll need to change them in order to appeal to buyers if we ever decide to move, but, for now, Mark and I both love the color and plan to keep it around for awhile. And I'm a firm believer that your space should always reflect your personality.

Do you like vivid colors on the walls? Do you tend to go bold or stick with neutrals? Why or why not? I'd love to know! As you can see, I'm a huge fan of jewel tones. 

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