
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Blossoms in the city

This year, I felt like winter would never end. And, sure enough, here in Maryland, winter gave one last snowy kick before dying out at the end of March. Being a Southern girl, the Georgia-muddy water in my veins was not accustomed to so much cold and so much snow. But finally... finally...winter died away, albeit unwillingly.

Strolling through downtown Frederick revealed just how sudden and welcome spring's colors and scents really are. My personal favorite is the green doors below. Frederick has so much history preserved on its streets--if I lived in this particular house, I believe I would hug my door everyday. Green is just the happiest color!

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get my hands in the dirt. To me, the metallic smell of dirt and grimy garden hands truly signify the arrival of warm weather months. What spring plants compel you to break out the old gloves and trowel? Do you have any special gardening traditions or practices?



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