
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Like every other American, Mark and I spent the long Memorial Day weekend enjoying some time outdoors soaking up sun and grilling with friends and family. For me, Memorial Day consists of hearing the laughter of your loved ones, seeing their smiles, smelling fresh cut grass and a grill's fumes, hearing the ping of a baseball bat, and having a panting puppy lay at your feet.

The "most important things" are not our jobs, our schoolwork, or even those far-flung, worldly ambitions. Instead, the important things are the daily blessings that God give us to enjoy. The fleeting moments of sunlight and joy. The little things right at your finger tips, that you can reach out and touch. A handshake, a high-five, a softball pitch, a kiss on the check. Men and women fought and died for our ability to enjoy these little blessings. Their ranks include my grandfathers, who both served during World War II, and my great-uncles, who served and were killed.

In my own life, young men and women I grew up with have served in the military, reminding me that pain, loss, and bravery are not things of the past. Not all veterans are white-haired and walk with a cane. Some are young, strong, and able-bodied. Some still have their youth but not their soundness of body; they gave that up to their country. I think its easy for us to forget those who have served and continue to serve in this generation; the "War on Terror" has been such a prolonged conflict that its easy to desensitize ourselves to it. I hope that I'll never become desensitized to others' sacrifice or to what has been done for my family in my generation.

Thanks to those who sacrifice all so that others--myself included--don't have to sacrifice anything.

Mark trying out his brother's lineman gear. 

Solo enjoyed lazying in the shade after fetch.

What would a summer weekend be without hot apple pie?

Or without fully-belly naps?

A bright green boat at Smith Mountain Lake.

Big blue skies and smooth glass lakes.

Mark picking out his boat. I wish!

 A little round of eight-person miniature golf. I'm sure the families
behind us were really enjoying our giant group!

Mark and I at Smith Mountain Lake.

We came home to bushes full of hot-pink roses. 

How was your Memorial Day?

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