
Thursday, July 17, 2014

{Count Your Blessings}

Some times, being young, newly wed, and a graduate student is just hard. You start juggling so many things, you start to panic-wonder how you're going to make ends meet. On the days I find myself feeling frazzled and flustered, I usually realize--through mid-fluster, when I've been committed to that state of mind for long enough its become annoying, to myself and everyone around me--that I never paused that day to be quiet, meditate, count my blessings, and be thankful for life. While it may seem like a simple act that doesn't accomplish much...stepping aside and expressing thankfulness does wonders for my attitude. If nothing else, gratitude motivates me to take on my day, to shoulder through, and to bear life's burdens with a little more grace.

This week, I'm thankful for: 

Hot summer afternoons that combine sweet tea, fireflies, front porches, and family. 

Summers that provide me opportunities to paint. 

Spots of bright color on rainy days, and our neighbor's mad gardening skills. 

Sleepy mornings with this snuggle pup. 

Evening walks and yellow houses. 

Painted brick and a sturdy roof over my head. 

What are you thankful for today? 

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