
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Solo Pup, 11 Months

Things Solo loves:
1. Splashing. Not swimming, but splashing. Since we let him in the creek a few weeks ago, the pup has taken to splashing into every body of water he sees, be it Carroll Creek, a large puddle, a small puddle, or his water bowl.
2. Waking me up in the mornings through three tried and true methods: whining softly in my face, jumping on the bed, or banging his wagging tail against every hard surface.
3. Slopping up his puppy-cone from Mr. Goodies. Nom nom nom.
4. Utilizing cute-snuggle-face in a valiant attempt to sleep on the bed at night time. I'm sorry, bud, but you're too much of a covers-hog to be allowed.

Happy 11 months to the sweetest little pittie pup I've ever known!

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