
Friday, August 8, 2014

4 Favorite Instagram Accounts

Too often, when I can't sleep at night, I find myself scrolling endlessly through Instagram, jumping down rabbit hole after rabbit hole of hashtags, likes, and "oooh that's pretty where is that" moments. Sitting there in the dark, bundled in a wool blanket, with my glasses perched on my nose and my hair in who-knows-what-state-of-mess, I end up muttering things like "we need to go to Glacier Park" or "we need to visit Iceland. I've always wanted to go to Iceland...right?"

While my late-night Instagram wanderings may deprive me of some sleep, they do afford a good bit of inspiration for photography, home renovations, and outfit ideas. The thing I love the most about this Iphone app is that it gives you a glimpse into other people's worlds, into their perspective on life. While some photos are clearly styled and staged, the effort and editing still reveal that ordinary, everyday life can be beautiful if just viewed in the correct light and from the correct angle.

Here are four Instagram accounts that I have been loving recently.

@3pitsinachair As a pit bull owner and lover, I had to include one pittie photo-feed. However, this account isn't just a slobbery mess of doggy photos and fetch videos. This photographer manages to very artistically capture her three pibbles (and one kitty!) posing, rather uniquely, with an old ratty chair and a mountain backdrop.

@mattlowden This account is probably my favorite of these four. He definitely captures and entices my wanderlust-bug with his sweeping mountain views and alluring woodsy realms."Deep roots" was the title of this shot.

@benjaminhole If you want a dose of Great Britain farming, bouncy lamb videos and sleepy sheepdog images, this is the account for you. Seriously. Sometimes the cuteness is just too much. 

@absinthemindedswede The dusky and warm "Iphoneography" of P.J. Bowman makes me want to bake pastries and drink espresso all day. A no doubt unhealthy desire which would lead to dangerous sugar and caffeine highs. 

Check them out for yourself. If you have any of your own favorite Instagram accounts or hashtags, please share! Or follow me on Instagram, and let me know there!

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