
Friday, October 10, 2014

Our Wedding Part 5

The Reception:

Our wedding reception was one which shall live in infamy. 

The evening began with the usual: cake, champagne, dancing, sweet heartfelt toss. But then came the garter toss. 

We decided to attempt a Pinterest find: place the garter on a football. Sounds cute and simple right? I thought my sports-fanatic fiancee would love the idea. Well, he loved it all right. And so did all his cousins. A little too much! Mark chucked that football, and next thing I knew a gaggle of fifteen young men began leaping and grasping, practically knocking each other over in the attempt to win it. (Let's just say, the ladies were much more graceful when it came to the garter toss.) But did the garter toss end here? Oh no. The man who did grab the football proceeded to rip across the field with his cousins and friends hot on his heels. And so ensued a garter wrestling match, played by grown men in tuxedos and suits, I might add. Meanwhile, the bride had to hold her groom by his coat tails to keep him from chasing after his cousins!

To this day, it's not the cake, the pies, or the toasts that people remember about my reception: but that infamous garter toss. Who doesn't love having a memorable wedding? 

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