
Monday, December 8, 2014

Currently, 12.8.14

Crafting: a soft little baby blanket for a sweet friend and mommy-to-be. I'm using this pattern from PurlSoho.

Despite Saturday's torrential downpour, I was seized with knitting inspiration. Donning boots and grabbing my umbrella, I set out for Joann's Fabrics. Apparently everything I did that day was irrational: case in point... I marched into the store (slightly damp but no worse for the wear) and thought "I don't need a shopping basket!" Needless to say, I found myself waiting in a line wrapped half-way around the store, juggling seven yarn balls. A note of warning: don't go to craft stores in December. Middle-aged knitters and crafters descend in droves. They'll take you down with a buggy full of tinsel and bows. It's dangerous, people, dangerous.

Reading: In a bow to Greater Nerddom, I have been rereading the Harry Potter series. I started this venture late September, and I've made it to the sixth book. I haven't read these books since my pre-teen years; so reading them from an adult perspective has been very interesting. I notice different things, laugh at different things, but have been enjoying them as much as I did as a braces-wearing, ponytailed tween.

Writing: a creative nonfiction essay about peaches. Yes. I have somehow managed to write eleven pages worth of narrative about a fuzzy fruit.

Watching: Arrow and Gilmore Girls. Arrow is our husband-and-wifey show. Mark loves the action; I love Oliver Queen's abs.

Listening: to my Pandora Classical Christmas radio, Tchaikovsky radio, and Avenged Sevenfold radio. It's an interesting mix. I've taken to loudly belting carols around the house, much to Mark and Solo's dismay. Tis the season to be obnoxious.

Cooking: Christmas treats! Sugar cookies, no-bake cookies, peanut butter cookies, and pumpkin bread. I'm anxious to try this recipe.

Needing: a camel-colored coat. To me, a camel-colored coat just speaks "classy." I've been eyeing this one and this one. Although I have also have been eyeing this JCrew option.

Wanting: a unique right-hand ring. This Etsy shop has the most unique rings I have ever seen. Who doesn't love one-of-a-kind, handmade sparklies?

Anticipating: the Christmas holidays with our Virginia family. Whatever the wintry weather may bring, I know for sure the holiday itself will be filled with good food, family, and a ton of laughs.

What have you been up to lately? What have you been watching, reading, and cooking? I'd love to know! Link to your most recent "Currently" post in the comments below. I'll stop by and read!

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