
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Join our Book Club! {A Collaboration with Wit&Spice}

Today, I'm excited to announce the beginning of a collaborative blog series with my close friend Whitney of Wit & Spice.

Whitney and I have known each other since our preteen years. As girls, we used to write to each other, not via email or instant messenger (wow, remember that?) but through that old standby snail-mail. We created these elaborate, decorated cards which we'd enclose in the most specifically-addressed envelopes you can imagine. Meaning I wouldn't just write her name and address but would go a bit further, specifying country and continent. You know, just in case the mailman accidentally went to the United States in Europe or Asia. Whitney would reply with an even more exaggerated address, making sure to include "Earth" on the envelope. Not to be outdone, I then included the solar system and Milky Way. Unfortunately, our understanding of intergalactic correspondence failed before our wit ran out.

Over the years, we've kept in touch and still meet occasionally in Washington, D.C for double dates around that pretty city. So with this history of friendship and with both of us already possessing our own blogs, the mutual idea to collaborate on a blog series made perfect sense, as did turning to a favorite topic: our love of words and reading.

So we are excited to announce that, beginning in February, we will be conducting a Book Club, one which we hope you too will join. On the last Wednesday of each month, we will discuss a literary work and announce the following month's read. Feel free to follow along and participate in our book discussions. We'd love for you to suggest titles, pose questions, and just chat about the books with us!

Our first read: Where'd You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple

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