
Friday, February 20, 2015

In So Many Words

"'Everything you do is at full speed, like a rocket taking off,' I said. 'You live each moment as if it were the supreme one, requiring every ounce of energy. You have to just let a few things slip by you, rather than being always pitched at the highest key...Force yourself to relax at times. It is not necessary to do everything as though your life and honor depended on it.' I doubt my words had any effect on her."

These words were written by Julia Child to her friend and fellow cookbook author Simone (Simca) Beck. Taken from one of my all-time favorite memoirs My Life in France, Julia's cautionary words seemed to perfectly describe how I go about daily life. Mark is always admonishing me to take a few steps back, to breathe, and to just enjoy the day. Like Simca, I doubt I pay enough heed to his words. Some of us just plunge into life, fully committed and at full throttle, and find it hard to be any other way.

image source: Meryl Streep as Julia Child in Julie and Julia. Image found here.

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