
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dill House Diary // Living Room Tour

In case you're wondering, last week's snow days gave me some much-needed time to tidy the house and perform a little "photo shoot" of some rooms in our house. I know that ya'll have seen the living room before--when we entered the Apartment Therapy Room for Color contest. However, we've since add new details to the room and plus I just had so much fun taking photos that I thought, hey,why not a living room reveal?

Mark  and I are certainly not afraid of color or pattern. To be honest, I may go a little overboard with it, but who cares! Someone once asked: How would you define your style? Eclectic may be the best descriptor, but I also feel that our style does't really fit any one label  My approach to decorating isn't really formulaic or purposeful. I buy things that I catch my eye: whether its the color, the pattern, the shape, or the texture. When they're all put together, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. I strive to surround myself with things that I find beautiful, whether or not they're in vogue.

Lately, I'm really into these blue willow china patterns. They're somehow country-homey and Southern-classy all at the same time. My sweet parents bought me this lamp for Christmas a few year ago. It was at a thrift shop; why anyone would have tossed it away is beyond me!

So that's our living room! Thanks for taking a peek!
If you have a living room or house tour of your own, share it in the comments below!

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