
Friday, April 24, 2015

Coffee Dates // April

Welcome to April's coffee date! I don't know about you, but I am enamored with this spring weather! I just can't get enough of the sunshine, birdsong, and blossoms everywhere. Today in Maryland would certainly qualify as a dreary spring day--with this cool breeze and the slow-moving clouds. But I would still take this weather over the frigidity of winter... any day! So in honor of this new warm(ish) weather, brew yourself a cup of iced coffee and settle in for this month's coffee date!

Obsessing over...
Capsule wardrobes.

You may or may not have heard of this concept, but lately it seems like every where I turn this topic crops up. Whether it be in my email inbox, my Facebook homepage, my Bloglovin' feed, or Instagram. In keeping with a minimalist philosophy, a capsule wardrobe consists of a pared down clothing selection. You essentially limit your wardrobe to a predetermined number of clothing items from which you can create numerous outfits. The often-used number seems to be 37. Thirty-seven pieces including tops, bottoms, dresses, outwear, and shoes.(Your capsule wardrobe understandably excludes your PJ's, undies, workout gear, accessories/jewelry, and swimsuits. Because let's face it: we all need more than, say, two pairs of undies.)

At first, the idea of a "capsule" or "minimalist" wardrobe rankled me. Why toss out all your perfectly good clothes? After all, you spent good money on them! Yet, as I mulled over the idea, I found myself slowing agreeing with the philosophy. Why do I think I need so many pairs of leggings? Or jeans? Or heels? Or cardigans? How much money have I wasted on clothes that were oh-so-cute in the store... only to take them home and find myself wearing them only once or twice. While such a lean closet does still sound a little intimidating, I do find myself wearing the same pieces over and over again anyway. Why not just donate or sell all those pieces I never wear?

So, this weekend... the closet blowout shall begin. I may as well give this a try and see how it goes. Stay tuned for updates!

A life update...

You may remember in this post that I recently began a new job for the vintage furniture shop Repurposed and Refined in downtown Frederick. Three weeks later and I am still in love! I'm sore, creaky, and covered in paint by the end of the day, but I always begin and end the day with a huge smile on my face. While working in a creative capacity does have its drawbacks (less pay, for example), I find myself making time for the things that truly just make my soul happy. I now have time to read, sip my coffee, and meditate in the mornings, whereas before, the long commute to work required that I roll out of bed before the birds even began tweeting. I have time to work on my own creative projects-- such as my Etsy, our home renovations, and my writing. Just this week I was able to add five new items to the Etsy shop!  Plus, working downtown allows me to walk to work, which not only saves on gas money but also provides an opportunity to get some exercise and to enjoy this wonderful spring weather we have been having.

Frederick readers, please feel free to stop by the store and say hello! We are located at 217 W. Patrick Street.

Check this out...

1. the ultimate guide to building your own capsule wardrobe

2. some spring outfit obsessions that I found myself drooling over

3. Don't forget about our book club with Wit&Spice! The general busyness of spring has pushed our April read to May, so you still have time to catch up on your reading if you want to join us. This month's book is The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling.

Image source for the capsule wardrobe shot can be found here. All other images are my own. 

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