
Monday, April 13, 2015

The New Job // Paint, Wax, & Brush

Some of you have recently expressed interest in knowing what I do for a living. So today I thought I would share a "day in the life" style post. A little insight into the normal day job that behind the scenes of Amp & Abi,

Back in January, I shared this post, explaining why I felt the need to make a change in my life by leaving my M.A.T program. Shortly thereafter, I began a job at a nearby liberal arts college, working as their Assistant Director of Financial Aid. It was a great job--for the first time in my life, I had my own office. I had a title. My name plaque hung by the door. I had business cards.

There was only one problem: I wasn't happy. While the job paid well and was what many would consider a great job, it simply wasn't for me. Here we go again, I thought. Since college, it felt like I had two options: to pursue a career that would make money but leave me bored and unhappy or to choose a more creative job that brought me joy but paid significantly less. Why was life like this? I moaned. Why did one always have to choose between responsibility and happiness? Between what you wanted to do and what you felt you should do--whether due to personal or societal interpretations of "what you should do."

I spent many nights clutching a pillow to my chest and talking to Mark about how I felt. Finally, he shrugged and said "Baby, you're only 23. Now is the time to experiment and find out who and where you want to be. If you don't do it now, when else will you do it?"

He had a point.

The following Sunday found me at a local vintage furniture sale, talking shop and craft with one of the shop owners. To my surprise, that evening I found a job offer sitting in my email inbox. A part-time position working as a painter for the vintage furnishings company Repurposed and Refined. Rather than sitting in front of a computer, punching numbers and fielding phone-calls, I would get to spend my days covered in paint, turning cast-off pieces of vintage furniture into polished, refurbished beauties. The hours I didn't work I could devote to writing and my own painting projects. Um, yes please.

Here are a few images of the pieces I painted my first week (last week):

Needless to say, I've been in heaven since starting my new job. This experience has truly proven to me that money isn't everything. While it certainly helps to have extra cash, there's something to be said for simple happiness. Who knew that I would love working with my hands so much? One week alone has left me brimming with ideas for projects and pieces which my fingers itch to get started on.

I so look forward to what the future will bring as I devote more time to creative projects like these. I hope to share more photos in the future-- so stay tuned! In the meantime, if you have any furniture refinishing needs or questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

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