
Friday, September 4, 2015

Good Reads // August Roundup

It's been awhile since I wrote a Good Reads post for the blog. I've been spending more and more time working on writing for myself, and as a result, I haven't devoted as much time to updating this little space. Rest assured, however, that this die-hard bookworm has had her nose in a book all summer long. I'm excited to share my favorite August reads with you! Because the books I read last month were by far some of my favorite reads all summer, maybe even all year.

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer** my so-far favorite!
Mark had been on me to read this book for years. For some reason, I kept resisting. I suppose I expected a book about the infamous 1996 Mount Everest climbing disaster to be well... boring and depressing. Full of snowfilled sadness and frostbite. There is certainly snow, sadness, and frostbite in this book-- don't get me wrong-- but this book is about so much more. Krakauer really delves into the culture of mountaineering, the resilience of the human spirit, and the bonds of friendship, all while recounting a true event that will leave you biting your nails even though you know the outcome. Probably my favorite read of the summer.

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty
Holy Cow... this book was so good! Definitely a page-turner with a surprising angle into human relationships and how appearances can be oh-so-deceiving. Just to give you a taste: What would you do if you found out your all-American (or I suppose all-Australian since Moriarty is from Sydney) husband, the hard-working father of your children, had a horribly dark secret? Like a felony-sized secret?

Indian Killer by Sherman Alexie
Throughout college, Alexie was one of my favorite authors. This novel follows a series of murders in Seattle committed by a serial killer dubbed the "Indian Killer" by the media. Alexie casts doubt on each of his characters, making you certain each one could be the killer. Delving into magic-realism, Alexie questions the stereotypical image of Native Americans and of mental illness. A very thought-provoking read!

Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
After finishing this book, I wanted to lace up my tennis shoes and run 10 miles. Which is not something I can even do. McDougall sets out to find the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico whose culture centers around running. As in... these people can run hundreds of miles without stopping. Oh and did I mention they run those miles barefoot or clad in flimsy little sandals? Yes. Feel like a couch potato now? I did too. One of the best nonfiction books I've read in a long while... especially if you're into fitness, running, or hiking.

Dune by Frank Herbert
Somehow I made it all through middle school, high school, and college without encountering the sci-fi classic Dune. If you want to read something utterly and completely original, I recommend this book. I felt completely confused for about the first 100 pages as I grappled to understand the book's religion, languages, terms, technology, and government structure. Even the basic family unit was different, alien. After you get the hang of the new universe that Herbert created, you really can get caught up in the storyline. And then you realize that the novel was written in 1965 and the novel becomes something rather visionary.

What have you been reading lately? I'm always in the mood for a good book suggestion!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read any of these! Adding them all to my list right now. :) I'm reading The Art of Racing In The Rain right now and it's really good so far!
