
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dill House Diary: Petals & Stones

Last year, our neighbor offered to build us a flower bed. With a mind for conservation, he has renovated his own home with sustainable and green materials. His gardens display local flora, and his building materials--stone, brick, wood--are all locally sourced. After building his own flower bed, he had several stones left over and so offered to build us one as well.

We're so happy that he did! After he completed the garden, we added two knockout roses and some mulch. This spring, I also added some impatiens and begonias--good shade plants, or so their stickers say. (I don't know about you, but my green thumb isn't very garden knowledge comes from Pinterest and those handy plant tags.)

These simple little additions--a dry stack flower bed and a few colorful petals-- added so much curb appeal to our home. In fact, yesterday I overheard a passing pedestrian comment on how adorable our house was. Her words: "Just look at all these pretty flowers!"

Remembering the original condition of our house, her quick compliment just made my day. The elbow-grease is beginning to pay off!

Now here is an onslaught of photos for your viewing pleasure:

What are your favorite spring flowers? I personally love pansies and petunias!

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