
Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekend Photo Reel

This past weekend, we celebrated Mark's 26th birthday. Aside from him bemoaning his age, we had a great time grilling out, hiking, shopping downtown, and laughing with two of our closest friends.  When there's blue sky overhead and a smiling friend beside you, you have a lot to be thankful for.

If I were to count my weekend blessings I would start with:

Waking up slow with a good read and strong coffee

Blue skies and crisp breezes that lasted all day

Fresh flowers that threw light and color around the room

Flash packs stuffed and ready to go

New paintings hung on the wall (hats off to handy hubby, once again)

Grown men who grinned like boys when they got to rock climb

Sleepy pups who adopted the tuckered-out-position Sunday night

The first wave of rose blooms downtown

Bows on the toes

A chalkboard wall full of messages to remind us of all the fun. 

What did you do this past weekend? Anything exciting happen, or was it just a lazy, good Saturday? 


  1. Looks like such a great weekend! We had a good weekend too… Wes Vanmeter and his girlfriend spent Saturday with us, kayaking, eating, and playing games. And Sunday afternoon, we did absolutely nothing except lay in bed and read books. Lazy days are always wonderful!

    1. That sounds fantastic! I love following your Instagram; you do a great job capturing snippets of life in SC.
