
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Etsy Update

This week, I've been working overtime to get some new fall items finished and uploaded to Etsy. So, I'm excited to announce that three pairs of these adorable wrist warmers are now available at Patina & Purl. Each pair is knitted by yours truly from hand-dyed yarn. The colors and patterns of each glove are unique, with unexpected twists of color: from spring green to heather grey to light purple. Snatch up a pair before they're gone! Or, if you don't like the colors, you can always request a custom order.

Knitting these up made me so ready and excited for the upcoming fall. September is nearly here, ya'll, can you believe? Crunchy leaves and cool weather are a matter of weeks away! While I'm loathe to see summer go, fall is my favorite season, and fall in Frederick is bewitching. I pretty much float on a pumpkin-spice high from mid-September to the first snow fall.

What's your favorite thing about fall?

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