
Friday, August 29, 2014

Solo, 12 months

Things Solo likes:
  • Staring at passerby from the bedroom window
  • Peeing on the lawn that belongs to the neighbor's lab puppy, who barks with extreme indignation
  • Going for long hikes with dad
  • Pulling dad off the trail and into the brush on said long hikes
  • Dragging his blanket downstairs and then leaving it at the bottom
  • Being chased around and around and around the bed
  • Eating mom's jalapeno plants. 
I can't believe our little waggy-butt mutt is already a year old. It seems like just a few weeks ago that Mark walked in the front door with a trembling bundle of blanket and fluff roll in his arms. Despite the many torn up garden plants, chewed up blankets, and half-eaten headbands, I wouldn't trade his whole-butt-wiggle, two-paw bounce, happy kiss greeting, every day, for any other pup!

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