
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Reader Favorites of 2014

image credit: Sarah Nelms

This week, I thought it would be a fun project to quickly scroll through our blog posts and see which stood out as the "Top Ten." These reader favorites were selected based on comments, views, and shares. Going through and seeing which posts y'all seemed to enjoy most was very interesting. Ironically, none of the ones that I expected to be the "most popular" even were among the 2014 Top Ten! Let's see if you were as surprised as I was by the results.

4. Our Cozy Guest Nook

1. The top post of the year was definitely Why I Chose to Change My Name, which was lucky enough to be featured on HelloGiggles' "From Our Readers" column! 

So from this list, I gather that you all like two things: when I provide home renovation updates and when I wax philosophical.... with the occasional cookie recipe thrown in for good measure. I hope to be providing more home renovation news in the new year; so be sure to stay tuned for additions to the "Dill House Diary." 

Thanks to all my readers for your interest, advice, and support! I appreciate every one of you! Happy 2015!!

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