
Friday, January 2, 2015


A person I hope to be more like:

Although numerous names came to mind, one name stood out most clearly: my mom's. In this new year, I hope to become more like my mom. It's a change I joke about with friends all the time. Driving along, we'll make certain comments or use certain phrases, sounding just like our mothers, and we'll roll our eyes and say "Oh Lord, we're turning into them!" But really, being like my mom would be such a bad thing.

My mom because she embodies Southern hospitality, knowing how to make everyone, even strangers, feel at home. Because she is hands-down the best cook I know; her French onion rice and cheesy broccoli casserole would drive you to sonnet-composing. Because she has always been selfless in raising her two daughters. Because she knows how to judge a horse and weigh the spirit in its eyes. Because she knows how to dress down Richt and Bobo and gave Gurley the sternest television-screen talking to I've ever heard. Because she can stop misbehavior with one eyebrow raise. Because she's unfailingly kind. Because she always knows when to speak, what to say, and when to leave words unsaid.

A good deed I'm going to do:

Pray harder. I know, I know... this question aims at a specific charitable deed to do, but I truly feel that earnest prayer is one of the best ways to help others. No matter your physical or monetary state, you can always pray. Even though they may be slowly answered, a prayer's words are after all powerful enough to breach heaven. I know that in my own life I've been held up by others' prayers; my name has been uttered in others' hearts and echoed in heaven's halls. Yet I myself fall short in prayer for others. This next year, every day, I aim to work on this resolution.

A place I'd like to visit:

For this resolution, I have two answers: Jamaica and Glacier Park. One hot, one cold. One luxurious, one rustic. Both beautiful in different, exotic ways. Can you guess which destination I picked and which Mark picked?

A book I'd like to read:

This resolution category is such a loaded question to ask of an English major. Here are a few of my wish-list titles....

  • Where'd You Go Bernadette
  • Unbroken
  • Flight Behavior
  • Casual Vacancy
  • Edge of Eternity
  • 1Q84

A new food I'd like to try:

How about a new restaurant? Mark and I have lived in Frederick for over two years, yet we have never tried Isabella's, a tapas restaurant that our friends consistently complement and rave about. So in 2015, I resolve to finally visit this tavern and finally eat some tapas so that we can FINALLY tell people that "yes, we love it too."

I'm going to do better at:

Writing. For this blog and for personal purposes. So often, when life gets busy, I just let writing fall aside. But when I do take the time to write--even just a few lines-- I do feel better. Writing provides catharsis and focus. In 2015, I aim to set realistic writing goals that will fit around my work schedules.

A goal I aim to achieve:

Short-term: As with any fixer-upper owner, it seems my main goals are renovation related. In 2015, we aim to renovate the kitchen, renovate the bathroom, create a fun and cutesy outdoor space, and repaint the living room. Long-term: Continue to workout. For the past four months, I've buckled down and gone with Mark to the gym nearly every weekday. I hope to continue this trend. While they may complain, my thighs, butt, and stomach all thank me for it!

What are your resolutions for 2015?

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