Welcome to the second installment of "A Peek Indoors," my monthly series focusing on the home decor and styling skills of some of my favorite bloggers, artists, and homemakers. Each post focuses on guest writer's favorite room in their home. This month, we're peeking into the home of one of my closest friends Amber of Live Wholeheartedly blog. Today, she is sharing her absolutely adorable and totally DIY laundry room!
"When debating which room was my "favorite," the first room that came to mind was our kitchen. However, that is not the “favorite” room I’ll be sharing with you today...When I told my husband about this post, and that I chose our laundry room as my favorite room in the house, he said, “WHAT? After all the work we’ve done in the kitchen, you picked the laundry room!?” Yes, I did pick our laundry room because I love it!
I’m lucky enough to have a rather large laundry room for the size of our house (2 bedroom/2 bath and 1050 sqft). When planning the room, I really wanted its décor to be fresh. You make clothes clean there, so why not make it look clean and fresh? I never understood how some people’s laundry rooms were so cluttered and grimy. I wanted my laundry room to be a place that I enjoyed being in. Most people complain about doing laundry, but I’ve found that having a cute laundry room makes this "chore" more enjoyable.
Disclaimer: My husband purchased the washer and dryer set before we were married, and I really like them. The only part I don’t like about them are the blue plastic covers that he INSISTS I don’t take off! They drive me crazy, but he really wants the machines to stay "scratch free".... *sigh. So please excuse the blue plastic."
"I had this IKEA shelf for my classroom when I was teaching, and I wasn’t quite sure where to put it when I moved in, but using it in the laundry room turned out to be a great choice. Organization is what keeps me going! These handy little cubbies corral all of our miscellaneous things. I like everything to have a place, and with this shelf, it does! I added the little tags to label what is in each bin.
The basket on top was part of a wedding gift. Now, I use it to keep my extra laundry items that I don’t use all of the time (bleach, extra dryer sheets…etc.)"
"We added this shelf above the washer and dryer. It was just a board from Home Depot that we cut to fit and painted white. I wanted a place to keep our soap, laundry beads, and dryer sheets. Okay… I’ll admit it… I also wanted a cute way to display them and other things. Adding the candle and little sign are simple decorative touches that make the laundry room feel like part of the house, not just a room for chores.
We originally were planning to put cabinets in, which we still might do. Now that I have the shelf though, I actually like the openness of having just the shelf. I’ve added cute little things to make it more girly and decorative. I’ve done a good job of keeping our home décor gender-neutral, but this room is solely mine so I feel like I can dress it up a little."
"I also keep the room smelling like laundry by putting a few laundry beads in my wax warmer. They keep their scent for a long time, and it keeps the room and hallway smelling like fresh laundry, even if I’m not doing laundry at the time.
Our laundry room “make-over” took a few months to finish. I started only with the Ikea shelf and bins (May). Then I added the shelf, and décor (August). Finally, I added the rug (December). Overall though, it was a really cheap process. The only items we purchased for the laundry room decor was the shelf (about $20) and the tags ($3) everything else were things we already had. The rug is new, but it was a Christmas gift (from Target--super soft!).